6,17- I smelled something burning


Nowhere to Hide                    Genesis 3:6-13, 22-24                 Julie Ackerman Link

    I smelled something burning, so I hurried to the kitchen. Nothing was on the stove or in the oven. I followed my nose through the house. From room to room I went, eventually ending up downstairs. My nose led me to my office and then to my desk. I peeked beneath it and there, peering back at me with big eyes pleading for help, was Maggie, our dog, our very “fragrant” dog. What smelled like something burning when I was upstairs, now had the distinct odor of skunk. Maggie had gone to the farthest corner of our home to escape the foul smell, but she couldn’t get away from herself.

    Maggie’s dilemma brought to mind the many times I have tried to run away from unpleasant circumstances only to discover that the problem was not the situation I was in but me. Since Adam and Eve hid after sinning (Genesis 3:8), we’ve all followed their example. We run away from situations thinking we can escape the unpleasantness-only to discover that the unpleasantness is us.

    The only way to escape ourselves is to stop hiding, acknowledge our waywardness, and let Jesus wash us clean (Revelation 1:5). I am grateful that when we do sin, Jesus is willing to give us a brand-new start.


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