3.29- Happy. Excellent. Focused on Faith. Family. Friends. Fun.


Happy. Excellent. Focused on Faith. Family. Friends. Fun.
Bill Luttrell my brother in law was moved to heaven last year.
He was a little league coach who helped raise boys whose father was not around. He gave more time to his children than anyone i know. I asked him once if he would change anything about his life what would it be. " I would have given them more time."
He was a camp director for 25 straight years. He was a poll worker. He could ride a bicycle backwards at age 75.
He was the most competitive 42 player and ping pong player I have known.
I miss him on this day. His birthday. I never knew him to give up on anyone or any good project.

Philippians 4

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The Lord is [d]near. Do not [e]be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all [f]comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is [g]lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. As for the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
All reactions:
Amy Wishard Goggins, Denise Cross and 11 others


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