11.12= Sheila's birthday in heaven is today.
Sheila's birthday in heaven is today.
One hour talks about what a great joy we have in the ability of or our kids to reach the point where they say to themselves,
""I gotta get out of here."
. "I gotta get out of here."
I miss her perfume. Her beautiful red hair. Her perfectly smooth skin. Her eyes. Her smile. Her ability to laugh and make me laugh. Her joy over Frioles cheese enchildas.
Her frustration at an unnesessary Bronoco or Cowboy loss.
Her joy when the Christmas tree was up and all decorations in place. Her joy at our annual Christmas party finished except for a few friends going on with deep, fun stories of the year till 1am.
By her attention to detail I was blessed with knowledge of how to run the dishwasher, washer, dryer and vacuum.
Our trips to New York, D.C. And Boston and Maine. These added to our annual pilgrimage to Malibu.
Memory is a strong gift given to all of Sheila's family and friends. So today I just wanted to remember with you all. What is your favorite memory?